Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Blunders causing wonders.

How about having a peaceful time at the washroom and the flush ditches you?
How many can control their temper that time?
It gets so awkward if someone's smacking the door for you to get out ASAP.

That's the time where even mayawati's explanation for those huge carved elephants at the entrance are void.
Or is it that you can simply get through all the bullshit in life and there is a flash back mode to the repetitive back bitching tenure?

Agreed that the discussion is not going viable and there is a reason for the same, but can anyone guts to challenge the executioner with uttering a word for justification?

Thus if any of the above scenarios can't be avoided, it's always better to put on your headphones and move on coz there is a lot more going around than just a boomerang.

Few similar conjunctions..
  • What when you're clearing your backyard after a flood out and it seems you are sinking in the dark *chocolate*. While people at home are screaming that you're still late for the dinner and you're on a battle for life to be drowned in a mud pit.
  • For the instance, the subtle being of a person is related to the weirdest explanation of an evaluation of jotting down of testaments. The freshly pertained snobby reasoning of a sudden change in the bladder mechanism doesn't imply he/she were drinking an all-nighter.
  • I have always had a pleasure of sharing my write ups with the quora people but now it seems they are still in the emotional and loner phase of writing adoptions.
  • The standard acquisition under the oath of incrementing the alignment towards the terrific trauma leads to unstable outputs. Which leads me to the  question as to why people Keep genuineness as the important parameter?
  • Also here is a doubt that is whispering my nerves which says, Wrenching of a clone to the minimised deduction from the original attributed organism can lead to two different organisms with different qualities but the same DNA.
  • Confiscating the sampling of an off spring and a proposed wanking will ultimately result in blabbermouth, resembling to blow job, isn't it?
  • The frowning under a restored pattern which has stomping of legs and marches that bring goose bums to the Thor. Manly it is!

All these were/are some of the jerk offs lately which are existing without any significant evidences but are yet involved in the assumptions. Which deduced me to the very simplifying fact that says..

Never let a thought mystify you from your focus, it's existence and occurring is as minimal as it wouldn't be in real.

The difference between a thought and a dream.

Dream it and you earn it, think it and you burn it.


  1. Dawn AWESOME!! I can relate to the scenarios and very inspiring.

    1. @Malde Harsh it's an honor to be appreciated by some of the gems I have met, during the course of my journey. I am sure something hilarious is raw in that mind of yours
