Monday, September 14, 2015


We as humans are on the superior section of the hierarchy that includes worms, reptiles, big cats and domestic animals. Up the ladder as we go, we find animals are getting more ferocious and wild than the base ones. This proves the survival of the fittest theory.

We being on top makes it certain that we have came a long way in the evolution to have a developed mind, carved body and a supporting posture. Did all this came naturally to us? Nope. 

We discovered things that were useful to us and the ones trivial were left behind. As we progressed many changes appeared and we incarnated few of our body parts like the tail, outward vertebra like scavengers and others just to make it convenient for us to sustain for long.

Thus proves we developed our minds too for the same. After a successful generations passed we started with civilizations to keep things sorted and distinguished.

Then came the religions. I guess the damage was done by this time. 
But as it has been witnessed we have a habit to adapt whatever available. Thus adapted to religions and started living on our lives with hopes, expectations and interactions. Religions and their teachings meant sacred and undeniable which was good and bad together. It taught us to mediate and discover the inner soul of ours, also it helped us in identifying peace for one's self. So with good comes the bad and clashes started between the individuals.

Hurting sentiments was hurting individual eventually. So as a human and being the most versatile specie does hurting someone is justified in any of the religion? 
Being so much evolved and sorted we still hurt people and their sentiments.

Are we still delusional? Or we are not able to handle logics? Just as the recent incident, the protest against the #meat-ban. If you're hurt by the ban than is your dolt behavior isn't hurting others sentiments? 
Where are your actions validated?

For the facts, jain community never proposed for a ban it was political motive back in mid 90s. And also why protesting for it now? Again a political motive to humiliate us for no reason.

We understand you love those animals a lot and more over you love their taste. Enjoy having it and I don't/neither I want to stop you from it. But the people who aren't comfortable about it, why trouble them with your idiocy display! 
Keep your love towards your food to yourself, we are not at all interested in your likings or your food. Just make sure you don't hurt others sentiments especially when an authentic festival is being experienced and enjoyed by us. 

Just like you said we don't have any right to decide your food neither do you've any rights to demean our beliefs and faith. 
Take your bullshit and the dolt being with you.

When I came to knew it was MNS behind this creep I restored faith in humanity as its supporters aren't humans at all. They have been irritating and annoying people all the time with their stupidity and also degrading the worth of its genuine supporters.

May god bless them with some common sense and etiquette after all they too are it's children.

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