Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Confusingly sorted.

A bank is the most boring place to be at and yet the most visited too. 
A Hospital is where we experience the saddest moments and yet we go there when in need.

The Local trains of Mumbai are crowded and yet we look for a seat or try fighting for one. Everyone is up and about in a hurry yet no one reaches on time. Temples are meant to be the most peaceful places but they are surrounded with all the high pitched speakers.

Cycling is the purest form of transport for humans and makes us closer to nature as well, yet we avoid it the most. Public transport is meant for public and we see the traffic moves slow because of private vehicles. 

It is not always that the toppers of class that make it to the best position. 
Intelligence is when you are able to convince fools. 

It's also when a person from the inside of the room says 'nobody' is allowed to enter. 'How did he enter in the first place?' 
The deeper the water the more stable it looks. 
Can a wireless gadget stay away from a wire? *charger I meant :p*

Tell me if you're under something then it means you're already under its possession, than how can they say you're UNDER arrest when you're caught doing wrong for the first time? 

In a savings account in India, the inflation never let us save anything in these accounts. 
When people say the veggies are fresh, I beg to disagree. Since when were they considered for the fresh's criteria? 

Now if a person catches the live wire, where does the 'live' term in this person-wire scenario fall in? Is it that the live person is alive till the wire touches the person where it looses the liveliness? 

A query is formed to either quantify the amount of curiosity in the statement or it's the enthusiasm in the solver to descend the query with a justified solution. 

They say all 'Men are dogs'. This statement confuses me at a biological level as to how can all men be dogs with each one representing every other one in the second set. 
How do you address the sex of a male/female? 

is it that the time is running or the earth?

I understand that some of you may be pulling your hair out by now. Some may start a fight when they spot me. While some may be scratching their heads at a few of the framings above. I started with this to kill boredom while standing in a queue in the bank but it pushed me far from the limit of boredom and I ended up at the other side.


Confuse a confused mind to clear the original confusion and start with a new one. ;) 


  1. "All men are dogs" just as "All women are bitches" as they bitch (grumble or whine) about everything and everyone. :P

  2. Haha Oh yes!
    But guess here both of us are out of the virtual bound of the so called phrases. So let the men be dogs and women be bitches, we'll have wine and glossy ;)
