Monday, September 28, 2015

Look we support "Digital India"

We Indians are great supporters and we always follow the lead religiously coz that's what we are being taught while growing up. To always be with people in their good as well bad times. 
As in every species it is ensured that evolution is bound to take place so how can we be far behind.

We have started following West and its culture and it has obviously given us some amazing eases in few of our methodologies and their adverse effects are admirable.

But while in gulping them we have also got some of the jerk offs that have proved battering. As it is said not every shiny thing is gold. We need to figure out what is to be restored and what other is to be flushed.

Thus blindly following is similar to accepting whatever it comes just to keep up with the crowd which is as douche as Rahul Gandhi offering his contrasting theory on the missing Boeing MH230 of Malaysia.

Trends are to be followed but by the crowd and not by you. You need to set the trend so that it can be followed till someone brings up a new one.

One such dolt scheme is started by Facebook of updating your profile picture by a edit of tricolor tint effect on your current profile picture. 
What is their say behind it? :- If you support Modi led "Digital India" campaign than show it by updating your profile picture with this edit.

I seriously need a break now. What the fuck is wrong?!!

By updating the edited picture you show your support, while there are plenty who don't even know the above campaign but as their timeline is flooded with the updated profile pictures even they want to update it. Awesome!

This shows unity and douche together. 
People please stop getting involved in everything that is inculcated by Social Media, by this we are giving away our valuable credit towards something we aren't aware off.

Now at this point it won't seem a harm, but in long run we'll be used to these schemes and our individuality will be lost and misused by the big players for personal benefits.

Let's assume the analogy behind reservation system in India. It was started with an aim that it'll help the needy and will be terminated within a decade or two and look now where it has reached. Reached to a point where the ones who agreed to reservation are in trouble now.

Similarly net neutrality is the biggest concern now. Facebook with its is against net neutrality meaning it wants the user to browse according to them, watch sites that are it's partners indirectly killing our freedom of free bird on Internet. 
Why am I telling you this? It's because is the one who created your updated profile pictures and by clicking on it you've indirectly voted for it. Meaning against net neutrality.

We all know very well that its only our identity on social media which is unhindered yet. Don't let this right to be laundered away from us.

Take the stand if you feel this dumdum is getting way more annoying than Mayawati flaunting her curves along side Baba Ramdev.
Lastly let me quote for the same,

To lead a revolution you need to leave the crowd and walk alone. Stand for things that are acceptable for you, if you're genuine you'll have the crowd walking behind.  Period! 

Monday, September 14, 2015


We as humans are on the superior section of the hierarchy that includes worms, reptiles, big cats and domestic animals. Up the ladder as we go, we find animals are getting more ferocious and wild than the base ones. This proves the survival of the fittest theory.

We being on top makes it certain that we have came a long way in the evolution to have a developed mind, carved body and a supporting posture. Did all this came naturally to us? Nope. 

We discovered things that were useful to us and the ones trivial were left behind. As we progressed many changes appeared and we incarnated few of our body parts like the tail, outward vertebra like scavengers and others just to make it convenient for us to sustain for long.

Thus proves we developed our minds too for the same. After a successful generations passed we started with civilizations to keep things sorted and distinguished.

Then came the religions. I guess the damage was done by this time. 
But as it has been witnessed we have a habit to adapt whatever available. Thus adapted to religions and started living on our lives with hopes, expectations and interactions. Religions and their teachings meant sacred and undeniable which was good and bad together. It taught us to mediate and discover the inner soul of ours, also it helped us in identifying peace for one's self. So with good comes the bad and clashes started between the individuals.

Hurting sentiments was hurting individual eventually. So as a human and being the most versatile specie does hurting someone is justified in any of the religion? 
Being so much evolved and sorted we still hurt people and their sentiments.

Are we still delusional? Or we are not able to handle logics? Just as the recent incident, the protest against the #meat-ban. If you're hurt by the ban than is your dolt behavior isn't hurting others sentiments? 
Where are your actions validated?

For the facts, jain community never proposed for a ban it was political motive back in mid 90s. And also why protesting for it now? Again a political motive to humiliate us for no reason.

We understand you love those animals a lot and more over you love their taste. Enjoy having it and I don't/neither I want to stop you from it. But the people who aren't comfortable about it, why trouble them with your idiocy display! 
Keep your love towards your food to yourself, we are not at all interested in your likings or your food. Just make sure you don't hurt others sentiments especially when an authentic festival is being experienced and enjoyed by us. 

Just like you said we don't have any right to decide your food neither do you've any rights to demean our beliefs and faith. 
Take your bullshit and the dolt being with you.

When I came to knew it was MNS behind this creep I restored faith in humanity as its supporters aren't humans at all. They have been irritating and annoying people all the time with their stupidity and also degrading the worth of its genuine supporters.

May god bless them with some common sense and etiquette after all they too are it's children.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Majestically the conscience of an universe is a postulate of the presence of some of the weirdest and wackiest characters which it hosts.

The storm leading to a devastation that would affect for centuries to come is one way of seeing the change in interior of the nature.

Lava, tsunami, quakes and others are an ordeal indication for an internal change in the system. Though these are serving as some of the nature's cruel encounters for its species, but when talking about the universe they act as another existing organism which will eventually fade it's own extinction.

This dominance of particular species on another is justified as survival of the fittest, for the almighty it's just a game of chase. 
The transformation of mountains out of no where and patches of water which for us are the oceans counts as the courtyard of our ALMIGHTY.

Everything that has an aura of gratitude is defined by the audacity with which it has challenged the nature for 'good'. 
"Karma is certainly a bitch." this phrase is in existence by us only to justify our sufferings and considering it as God's way of reverting which indicates that it was us who are solely responsible for the insensible instances.

Trembling down the throat of a kid somewhere in bodo-land who is yet to identify its gender holds bullet instead of milk. The horror of cannibals and the dread of half dead is contemplated with worship to deity on a full moon night.

There has been a difficult time for the survivors of famines and more gruesome for the dead. It was very dark and heinous phase for India and its people. 
Bodies leaner than skeleton and skin pale and dark as if they are regularly burnt on coals and are spoked by cigarette burns.

This stuff is something an average human can't even dare to be in and yet people have survived and are setting an example for the depressioners. 
Life, nature and universe all are relative to each other and so much so that none of them are predictable nor attainable.

Just drive on the road of life, turn with its turn, hold with its every hold. Never interrupt it's flow. But always mind to keep a goal. That will ensure your flow is correct.

"He who has no aim has no existence."

Taking it all in a positive way, I cope/try to cope everything in a way that shouldn't affect me and always keep me focussed.

'Regret or Revenge is always a thing for a loser which I assume no one preferably wanna be.'

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Blunders causing wonders.

How about having a peaceful time at the washroom and the flush ditches you?
How many can control their temper that time?
It gets so awkward if someone's smacking the door for you to get out ASAP.

That's the time where even mayawati's explanation for those huge carved elephants at the entrance are void.
Or is it that you can simply get through all the bullshit in life and there is a flash back mode to the repetitive back bitching tenure?

Agreed that the discussion is not going viable and there is a reason for the same, but can anyone guts to challenge the executioner with uttering a word for justification?

Thus if any of the above scenarios can't be avoided, it's always better to put on your headphones and move on coz there is a lot more going around than just a boomerang.

Few similar conjunctions..
  • What when you're clearing your backyard after a flood out and it seems you are sinking in the dark *chocolate*. While people at home are screaming that you're still late for the dinner and you're on a battle for life to be drowned in a mud pit.
  • For the instance, the subtle being of a person is related to the weirdest explanation of an evaluation of jotting down of testaments. The freshly pertained snobby reasoning of a sudden change in the bladder mechanism doesn't imply he/she were drinking an all-nighter.
  • I have always had a pleasure of sharing my write ups with the quora people but now it seems they are still in the emotional and loner phase of writing adoptions.
  • The standard acquisition under the oath of incrementing the alignment towards the terrific trauma leads to unstable outputs. Which leads me to the  question as to why people Keep genuineness as the important parameter?
  • Also here is a doubt that is whispering my nerves which says, Wrenching of a clone to the minimised deduction from the original attributed organism can lead to two different organisms with different qualities but the same DNA.
  • Confiscating the sampling of an off spring and a proposed wanking will ultimately result in blabbermouth, resembling to blow job, isn't it?
  • The frowning under a restored pattern which has stomping of legs and marches that bring goose bums to the Thor. Manly it is!

All these were/are some of the jerk offs lately which are existing without any significant evidences but are yet involved in the assumptions. Which deduced me to the very simplifying fact that says..

Never let a thought mystify you from your focus, it's existence and occurring is as minimal as it wouldn't be in real.

The difference between a thought and a dream.

Dream it and you earn it, think it and you burn it.